Low vision tools help Ruth hold on to her heritage
Native American heritage is an important part of Ruth’s life. She keeps up with tribal news by reading reports and papers, and is active in the tribe’s local community council. But, over the past few years, Ruth’s vision has kept her from being as engaged as she’d like to be. Ruth is slowly losing her central vision because of a condition called myopic degeneration.
With this condition reading, writing and recognizing faces is a challenge. Ruth also has trouble seeing her computer and T.V. screens. NewView Oklahoma has helped Ruth use her remaining sight, and with the assistance of low vision devices, Ruth has learned new ways to continue her favorite activities.
“I am so grateful for the equipment NewView taught me to use,” said Ruth. “I feel so blessed that you have helped me.”
Ruth now uses a prescription grade hand held magnifier to read newspapers, magazines and tribal documents. She’s also learned to use accessible software on the computer, which enhances the font size large enough for her to see it. When counting her blessings this holiday season, Ruth says NewView Oklahoma is at the top of her list.