Helping seniors live independently

Ms. Crook is 84 years old and has been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. She has had an increase in difficulty with reading, writing, watching TV, and other daily activities because of her diagnosis.
Unfortunately, she stopped doing a lot of family and leisure activities with friends because she “felt like she would be more in the way and cause others not to enjoy themselves as much.”
Ms. Crook was referred to NewView Oklahoma to help address these difficulties and help educate her about devices and techniques that would help her gain back a lot of her independence. NewView was able to help Ms. Crook with different reading techniques, as well as loan her different types of magnification devices through our loan program with Oklahoma AbleTech.
NewView was able to help Ms. Crook find the right type of magnification to increase reading speed and accuracy as well as help her get back to daily writing activities. She is now back to doing more word searches and crossword puzzles and enjoys leisure activities like playing cards and dominoes with friends and family.
Ms. Crook stated, “I never knew there was a company that was solely focused on working with those who have low vision difficulties. The information I received and the devices I was trained on have been worth every minute of my time.”