2024 Tulsa Blackout Banquet

sponsors needed

NewView conducted over 4K low vision appointments for Oklahomans in 2022, and state expenditures are expected to cross the $3 billion mark this year. Blindness and vision loss cases across the state are rising dramatically and our services are as important as ever. Become a sponsor and help us to raise funds to support our life-changing services and share our message of hope and independence for those with low vision and blindness.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 | 6:30 PM

For more information about the event, click here.
To become a sponsor, please complete the form below.


Join us for a unique, fine dining experience. Isla’s Kitchen and Chef Myles McClanahan with Justin Thompson Group will be preparing an exclusive four-course meal with alcohol pairings for our guests to enjoy fully blindfolded.

Let one of NewView Oklahoma’s expert staff members guide you through your meal as you learn about what life is like from the point of view of someone who is blind. This event is designed to be a fun way to raise funds and create awareness for NewView Oklahoma’s mission to empower individuals who are blind or have low vision, maximizing their opportunities for independence through all stages of life.

• 8 tickets to enjoy the event
• Verbal Presenting Sponsor recognition through day of program
• Logo featured on event blindfolds
• Logo featured on event landing page and all event communications
• Recognition via NewView social channels
• Recognition on event signage day of

• 6 tickets to enjoy the event
• Verbal recognition through day of program
• Logo featured on event landing page and all event communications
• Recognition via NewView social channels
• Recognition on event signage day of

• 4 tickets to enjoy the event
• Verbal recognition through day of program
• Recognition via NewView social channels
• Recognition on event signage day of 

• 2 tickets to enjoy the event
• Verbal recognition through day of program
• Recognition on event signage day of

Become a Sponsor

To become a sponsor for our 2024 Blackout Banquet in Tulsa, please complete the form below and we will send you an invoice. If you would prefer to pay online using a credit card, please click here.